Fully transparent portfolios

With our managed accounts our clients own their own positions with full access to their investments. They can see and track their investments and have the ability to withdraw their funds anytime.  There are no hurdles or lockups.

We do not take custody of your funds.  Securities we trade remain under your name in a brokerage account.  We use Interactive Brokers as our custodian and broker.

Interactive Brokers is one of the largest brokerage firms with offices in the USA, Switzerland, Canada, Hong Kong, UK, Australia, Hungary, Russia, Japan, India, China, Luxembourg, Singapore, Ireland and Estonia. Interactive Brokers is regulated by the SEC, FINRA, NYSE, FCA and other regulatory agencies around the world.  You can find more info here (link: https://interactivebrokers.com/en/home.php)

After you sign up with Interactive Brokers, you will see an advisor account listed under your main account.  We’ll ask you to grant us trading permissions for this advisor account.  We do not take custody of funds and we cannot transfer funds in or out of your account. We will only be able to buy and sell securities in this advisor account.  Your money stays with Interactive Brokers and you will have full access to the securities that we have invested in.  You can track and view your investments any time.   You can also link your bank account to Interactive Brokers to easily withdraw and transfer funds.